How to make the most of your Tuscany vacation
How to plan the perfect vacation in Tuscany
This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it’s a start. In fact, we have a whole book of useful information we have called The Big Book, and we send this out to our guests before they set out. Most tell us they find it incredibly useful, though it’s possible they are just saying that to be nice. Anyway, here are just some of the topics you should consider before setting off on your holiday.
The quality of the public health care system in Tuscany is very high indeed, with excellent local facilities. If you run short of medication you can usually get help from the local pharmacies, especially if you bring your prescription with you. Care for children is some of the best in Europe, with superb facilities in Florence. If you get sick or hurt yourself, rest assured you'll be cared for quickly and efficiently, and for very little cost compared to many parts of the world.
It goes without saying that you should always travel with comprehensive insurance cover for medical expenses and your personal belongings. Bring a copy of the policy documents and make sure you know where all the key phone numbers are. If you are coming from within the EC, make sure you apply for and bring with you your European Health Insurance card.
Trying to work out how much cash to bring with you is tricky. And there are obvious risks to carrying around sacks of money. But with a bit or research, and a couple of online applications, you can get rid of the cash altogether. There are very few places that won't take either MasterCard or Visa credit cards. The daily produce markets are an obvious exception. So although you'll need a few €100s, you probably won't need more than that. The problem is, some credit card companies charge an exchange rate transfer fee when you pay in a foreign currency, but not all. The amount of this fee will vary, but is typically around 3%. As you are coming to Europe anyway, and are likely to be using your card a lot, it’s worth doing some research and finding a card that doesn’t charge you this fee. For example, in the UK, try the Post Office or the Halifax, in the USA BoA or Chase, amongst others. Their cards charge no exchange rate fee and give you the best possible exchange rate (the inter-bank rate). The same with using ATMs. Some banks charge, some don't, and it also depends on which ATMs you use. Confusing. But do 5 minutes research online, and you'll have the latest info. There are ATMs everywhere, 3 in Castellina and 2 in San Donato (at the last count), so there's always somewhere nearby where you can get cash. The fee is generally fixed, so don't take out €20 at a time, take out the maximum you're allowed (within reason) and stash it.
These pests are usually around from May to September. We don't normally have too much of a problem (it is a bigger problem in the towns and cities). Most of the rooms don't have screens, mainly because guests prefer the wonderful views. But if you are particularly sensitive, bring insect repellent spray (though this is for sale everywhere here) and a plug-in repellent device (we have plenty here, so you'll just need a refill from the local supermarket). If you are planning on sitting outside in the evenings, repellent spray or citronella candles can be very useful. We are out in the deepest Chianti countryside, so there will always be a few bugs and flying insects. But please don't worry. They are mostly harmless and non-aggressive.
The voltage here is 220v (as it is throughout Europe) and most of the electrical sockets are of the in-line 2 or 3 pin type. If you have stuff to plug in, remember to bring an adaptor with you, or get one at the supermarket. We provide you with Hairdryers in all rooms. Getting your phone to work in Italy might be as simple as talking to your provider and asking them to switch on international roaming. Otherwise, check your phone will work in Europe and that it’s unlocked, and then buy a SIM card from a mobile phone shop when you get here, probably at the airport. That’ll give you an Italian number and cheaper local calls. Finally, bring your computer/tablet/smartphone, load Skype (or similar) and use that to make cheap calls world-wide whenever you are in a free Wi-Fi zone (they are everywhere).
The water here at Patrignone has been analysed and is perfectly safe. We drink it, and it tastes lovely! If you have never been to Tuscany before, eating out is going to be a major part of your stay here. The food is fantastic, and very varied, from fish to game, pizza to nouvelle cuisine, cheap-and-cheerful to über-expensive. If you are a steak-lover, make sure you try a Fiorentina (the biggest T-bone fillet you have ever seen, often shared between 2 and 4 people, and sold by weight). Pasta here is superb, and game a local speciality, especially "cinghiale", local wild boar. And of course, you will never be short of choice when it comes to wine. Unlike many European counties, finding good vegetarian food in restaurants here is quite easy. Always ask for the vegetarian options. If there is nothing you like, ask the waiter whether the chef can prepare something for you. They will usually be very happy to help. Most restaurants have several vegetarian antipasti and pasta dishes, and if you are going for a pizza, you won't have any problems at all. If you have allergies or other sensitivities, things can get a little more complicated. But everyone in the restaurants here speaks English, so just explain your needs and they will help.
The Italians drive on the right, as do all Europeans. Despite their somewhat aggressive style, Italian drivers are usually quite good. Don´t be surprised to see an Italian driving very close behind you and flashing his lights. Don´t panic – it´s just what they do. Take it easy, drive normally, and completely ignore them. Pull into the slow lane when you get the chance, but don't rush. Honestly, the flashing lights make them look cross, but it's just how they let you know they're behind you. They are perfectly happy to wait until you can move over. Please remember to switch on your headlights whenever you drive on an Italian motorway (autostrada or superstrada). It's the law here. (I keep mine on all the time just to be sure.) Navigating the Italian road network can be a tricky exercise, but with Google Maps, everything is so much easier these days. If you are worried about getting a massive date bill on your phone, you can cache all the local maps on your phone before you leave for your trip. This way you can use Google Maps without using any of your precious data plan.
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